How Astronauts Come Back to Earth from Moon ?


Whenever we look at the sky, one of the most astonishing things in the sky is the moon. yeah, it is very beautiful, but in that beauty, it hides so many things that we as a human have not discovered much of. Sometimes looking in the sky, we often question ourselves How Astronauts Come Back to Earth from the Moon in the Apollo programs, as there were many missions to put footsteps on it.


How it all started

There have been many attempts to reach the moon. The main reason why we landed on the moon before 1970, is the cold war. This cold war between the soviet union and the USA has led the man to put the steps on the moon. In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first man-made object ( first satellite ) in space i.e., Sputnik 1. In 1961 also USSR became the first to send men into space ( Yuri Gagarin ). On 31st January 1961, the US not only sent a chimpanzee into space but also landed it back successfully. Finally, on 12 September 1962, US President John F. Kennedy gave a speech in which he said that before the end of this decade, we chose to go to the moon. Then NASA started its preparation for this project and finally, after much research and tests, NASA launched Apollo 11 on 16 July 1969.

The process of coming back to Earth

Let me answer this with a historic example that is " Apollo 11". When Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin finished their task on the moon. then they came back in the lunar module "Eagle". The ascent stage engine fired perfectly and lifted the eagle toward the moon's orbit. On moon's orbit command module "Columbia" was orbiting the moon and was operated by commander Michael Collins. When the lunar module reached the moon's orbit, it joined the command module from where it started its journey towards the earth. When Apollo 11 entered the earth's atmosphere its speed was more than 25 thousand miles per hour.

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